Management Matters
How to Achieve Predictable Outcomes: Creating Effective SOPs for Repeatable Results
As soon as someone mentions SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) or the need to document your processes, the mere thought probably makes you shudder at having to sit down and write out each step. Trust me, I’ve been there too—writing these emails is a task in itself—but it's a crucial part of what we do.
You likely got into beekeeping to avoid being stuck in an office, buried under paperwork, and spending endless hours in front of a computer. This might be why you still don't have documented SOPs, or just the thought of having to come up with processes for everything drains your energy.
You Already Have Processes—They're Just Not Documented
The good news is, you probably already have a process for everything—your preferred method, the certain way you like things to be done. It's just not recorded in a form that can be easily handed over to someone else.
I get it. Documenting each step on paper with images and diagrams can feel like a waste of time and it probably is. Who’s going to read it? Plus, it quickly becomes outdated as soon as you learn something new or change your approach.
So why SOPs Are Essential
But here's the challenge: How do you institutionalize information in your business? How do you get new hires or seasonal labour up to speed without taking time away from what you need to accomplish?
And hiring experience is not necessarily the answer. It can actually become a liability. What kind of experience do they have? What bad habits have they picked up elsewhere? What gaps exist in their knowledge?
They’ve probably done things differently than how you do them. If you let each new hire do things their way, you end up with a mess— there’s no consistency, no standard of measurement. This is where your standard operating procedures come in. They become the standard everything is measured against.
The Easiest Way to Document Your Processes
The best way to document SOPs is by recording the way you already do things. And guess what? You likely have all the technology you need right in your hand—Your Phone.
Start by recording each process you do. You probably perform many tasks subconsciously, so it’s beneficial to document them as they occur, especially when you identify a gap in your team’s knowledge. Begin with the simple tasks: how you strap down a load on the truck, how you mix sugar syrup, how you split a hive, how you requeen a hive, how you treat your hives—each process can have its own short video guide.
Better still, have the person you’re teaching record you doing the task for the first time while you explain each step and, crucially, why you do it that way.
The "why" is essential because it ensures you’re not just teaching a process, but also passing on the knowledge and experience that led to that process. Without this, people might be tempted to change the process or take shortcuts.
Organize and Share Your SOPs
The key to successful SOPs is organization. Use a consistent naming convention for each video to make indexing easy. Store these videos in a shared location, like Dropbox or Google Drive, so everyone on your team can access them from their phone, whether they’re in the office or out in the field.
Once your team has learned the processes, shift from detailed step-by-step guides to quick quality control checklists for each process or hive round. These checklists should be simple—no more than a single A5 page with large fonts and checkboxes. This makes them a quick reference tool, especially when it’s been a while since a task was last completed. Laminate the checklists and keep them in the glovebox of each vehicle for easy access.
Easy ay, is documenting your SOPs much less daunting now?
Take Action Today
Take that first step now by picking one process—maybe how you mix sugar syrup—and record it. Label the video clearly and share it with your team. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your SOP library grows, making training easier and ensuring consistency across your operations.
Watch the transformation as your beekeeping business becomes more streamlined and less stressful!